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Tuva cardigan


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$105.00 USD
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  • Birmingham
  • Super Kid Silk
  • Birmingham
  • Super Kid Silk
  • Birmingham
  • Super Kid Silk
  • Birmingham
  • Super Kid Silk
  • Birmingham
  • Super Kid Silk
  • Birmingham
  • Super Kid Silk

The Tuva cardigan is a light and airy cardigan that is quick to knit. It is knitted in double seed stitch, which is a relatively simple technique that also gives the cardigan a beautiful textured pattern.

The cardigan is knitted from the bottom up in a simple A-cut with beautiful details, including double rib at the edges. The sleeves are worked separately and sewn on at the armholes.

The Tuva cardigan has a comfortable fit and is knitted in tweed yarn Mayflower Birmingham with one strand of Mayflower Super Kid Silk. Both yarns are wonderfully soft and have a slight texture, making the cardigan feel great to wear. It's warm without being too hot and can be worn with everything from pants to dresses. When knitted with 2 strands, you also have the option to combine different colors and create a nice mottled color scheme. In any case, when you knit with Birmingham, you'll get a beautiful play of colors and a cardigan with character, as the yarn has the finest tweed shades.

18½ sts and 26 rows in double seed stitch on 5 mm needles = 10 x 10 cm


Tuva cardigan

0.00 USD

The Tuva cardigan is a light and airy cardigan that is quick to knit. It is knitted in double seed stitch, which is a relatively simple technique that also gives the cardigan a beautiful textured pattern.

The cardigan is knitted from the bottom up in a simple A-cut with beautiful details, including double rib at the edges. The sleeves are worked separately and sewn on at the armholes.

The Tuva cardigan has a comfortable fit and is knitted in tweed yarn Mayflower Birmingham with one strand of Mayflower Super Kid Silk. Both yarns are wonderfully soft and have a slight texture, making the cardigan feel great to wear. It's warm without being too hot and can be worn with everything from pants to dresses. When knitted with 2 strands, you also have the option to combine different colors and create a nice mottled color scheme. In any case, when you knit with Birmingham, you'll get a beautiful play of colors and a cardigan with character, as the yarn has the finest tweed shades.



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